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Princess Sehoy Chapter, NSDAR, History

The Princess Sehoy Chapter, NSDAR, was organized on June 19, 1934, at Woodward, Jefferson County, Alabama. Katherine Worrill Bowers was the organizing regent.

The chapter is named for the Indian Princess Sehoy of the Muscogee Nation, Tribe of the Wind. According to Pickett's History of Alabama, the Princess Sehoy was married to Captain Marchand, who commanded Fort Toulouse, an outpost of the French Empire. In 1722, the Captain was slain by his mutinous men.  Before his untimely death, however, the union of Princess Sehoy and her French husband was blessed by a girl to perpetuate the name, Sehoy.

Few queens have played a larger ultimate part in history than did Princess Sehoy, through her descendants - the Tates, McGilliverys, Durants, Tunstalls, Francises, Weatherfords, and others. Alexander McGillivery was her grandson. William Weatherford, "The Red Eagle," was her great-grandson.

From the time of Princess Sehoy until the decline of the mighty Creek Nation over one hundred years later, there was a Sehoy, "Princess of the Wind."

Portrait of Princess Sehoy

"Princess of the Wind"

In my dreams I see a Princess,
Daughter of the Mighty Creek.
Dressed in softest, softest deerskin,
Lithe and swift upon her feet.

I see her laughing

With a sparkle in her eyes.
I know that she was lovely
When she lived 'neath southern skies.

Lovely Princess of the Wind,
Tell me your heart's desires.
Did you long to find a soul mate
To share your lodging's warmest fires?

Oh, for just a little time
To go back through many years.
Just to see and know you.
All your joys and sorrowful tears!

Indian Princess, Princess Sehoy,
Lass with hair of raven hue.
Married to a brave, then white man,
Produced another Princess, too.

Not just one Princess Sehoy.
But there numbered Sehoys three.
Ancestors of noted families.
Tates, Durants, Weatherfords,
In our Southern History.

-- Helen S. Hudgens --

Princess Sehoy Member

(used with permission of author)


Agnes Coleman Alford
Myrtice Ilene Pope Batson
Katherine Worrill Bowers
Jean Lang Kitchell Bynum
Agnes Leftwich Carmichael
Jessie Leftwich Carmichael
Annie Redd Carper
May Ida Chase
Natalie Brinkman Cocke
Gertrude Shaw Donahoo
Willie Franc Redd Estes
Nell Winston Fallaw
Margaretta Laverty Fell
Janie Preston Collup French
Belle Burkhalter Glover
Louise Leftwich Hall
Mary Houston Wilson Harris
Bertie Rosa Flournoy Hill
Ruth Byers Hooper
Virginia McMillan Jackson
Maud McLure Kelly

Nina Strother Kitchell
Myra Browne Koenig
Bessie McCarty Lamkin
Maria Newcomb Laverty Little
Harriet N. Ingell Mathews
Alice Joche Syfrett Milam

Virginia Webster Milam
Mary Elizabeth Mills
Fleta Winston McMahon Morton
Lila May Parker
Pauline Bridges Pattberg
Mary Leftwich Perkins
Ada Vaughan Byers Ratliff
Nina Redd Richey
Laura Jack Sharp
Ada Estelle Bryant Van De Voort
Etna Peacock Webster
Nora Alexander Winston
Frances Frazer Wood
Josephine Jourdan Worrill
Mary Coleman Wylie

Helpful links:
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR)
Alabama Society Daughters of the American Revolution

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